HumanImmunodeficiencyVirus 1 (Image from Wikipedia)
This photo is of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 -- see the green dots. The scientific name seems to be Human immunodeficiency virus 1. It is a really dangerous virus that damages the human immune system. I'm not really sure it's an animal. Bye.
This is a black-tailed prairie dog. Its scientific name is nomysgunnisoni. It is very very cute. It changes the earth's surface. It digs holes. It has some whiskers. It has a black tail. It has a very cute face. Bye.
This is a Korean Jindo Dog. Its scientific name is Canislupusfamiliaris. There was one of these dogs that swam to the island where its owner was, and it became famous here in Korea. It likes to be with its owners. Bye.
My name is En-Uk Sequoya Hwang, and I was born on May 28, 1999 in Jerusalem, Israel. I started this blog to show my art.
I live in Seoul, South Korea with my older sister and my parents. My mother is Korean, and my father is American.